Day 9

Onward and upward my friends!


TODAY is a day of reckoning!

Say what?

Today is the day that we come together to start to figure things out.

Life, ya know! And how the clock ticks inside each and every one of us.

Tick tock!

Yes back to the clock thang!

Are you ready? Great! Let’s get this New Year party started!

It’s guided meditation time!

Well… close but not quite yet. One last thing before we deep dive into what your Soul wants to show you. I know I got you all excited there for a moment that the magic pill was going to be handed to you. BUT it isn’t ever really that easy. A lot of what we will be doing in this program is connecting internally energetically.

So today let’s find your energetic center.

Sit back. Relax. And repeat after me…

Today we start our journey to worlds we have never seen before.

Today I allow myself to be open for what my Soul has to tell me.

Today I choose to align with my Soul energetically.

Today I choose ease and flow and grace and allow it to flow into my life easily and effortlessly.

Today I choose time for myself.

To grow. To change. To imagine a better life aligned with my Soul’s true image of what that is.

And so it is done. Amen.

This is an energetic activation and upon saying those words you will feel the energies begin to pulsate through your mind and body. Allow it in. Relax in to it. No need to do anything else today.

Enjoy some peace and relaxation if you can allow it!

Peace, love, and happiness to you my friends!

See ya on the flip side!