Day 33
Here we are again getting ready to head to cruising altitude. Are you ready for it?
I’m hoping you were able to spend some quality time with the guided meditation that I recorded for you. I’m sure it took you a few times to be able to relax into it and allow things to come into your mind’s eye. Remember, never force it and allow it to all happen naturally. If it feels forced just set the intention to relax into it and receive what your guidance team wants you to receive. The more you listen to it the clearer it will become.
Now what is on the horizon?
It is all about alignment from here on out. Stepping in to the new story you choose to write with the help of your guidance team, aligning to it each and every day with simple steps, noticing the feelings that come up to support you, and noticing the blocks that get in your way. We are going to be spending the rest of this program getting you set up for success on a bigger level.
Are you ready for it?
So for today, grab your journal and pen and let’s begin with a short guided meditation to get your brain out of the game, lol.
Center yourself in your heart space and repeat after me…
I choose to allow my thoughts and ideas to flow easily and effortlessly to me.
I choose to allow the help from my guidance team to do actually that and guide me to a newer and truer version of myself.
I choose to allow myself to sync up to that of my mind’s eye so that I may truly see what is in store for me.
And so it is done let us begin. Amen.
Today there are just a few questions that pop in brain for you.
What are the thoughts that pop up into your mind that tell you that you CAN have everything you desire and more?
What are the thoughts that pop up into your mind that block you from even thinking that it is possible for you to have all that and more.
That is all. Simple as that. Tomorrow we will build more upon that.
Onward and upward my friends!